
Monday, May 4, 2015

Kinsights Review & Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a terrible memory.  How much does the baby weigh now? When did James start walking?  I. Have. No. Idea.
I figure if I really need to know, I can always go back through my photos, check the dates and do the math.  The doctor gives us little cheat sheets of the kids' info at every visit, and those are all tucked in a folder. But when the boys' agent calls asking their height and weight, I frantically flip though my phone hoping I made a note at the last visit. I feel like a mess.

Kinsights to the rescue!  Kinsights is an online Pediatric Personal Health Record Keeper for parents. I can organize their growth, immunizations, medications, test results, and more, all in one spot.  I especially love how I can check off each developmental milestone when they reach it, so I'll always remember when K3 started showing off his thumb-finger grasp skills!
It has an easy, user-friendly setup with different pages for each child.  And it also has a community page where you can join groups (there's at least one for every type of family and special need) to seek and share answers to parenting questions.

Here's a sample of a Q & A page.

Medical info is kept private, but you can send anything you enter to a doctor or hospital in an emergency.  
(This is obviously not my kid- it's a sample.)
Check it out, and find me (search Tryitmom)!  And while you're browsing around, take a moment to enter my $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway from Kinsights!

**Disclosure: Kinsights is providing the gift card for the contest. All opinions are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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