
Friday, July 27, 2012

Here's My Face #BlogHer12

I remember reading Suzanne's face post last year and wishing I was going to be seeing her in person, and now that I've met her, I CAN'T WAIT to see her again next week at BlogHer!  And speaking of BlogHer, I'm jumping on the band wagon and posting pictures of my face, so hopefully you will recognize me and say hello.  Because I'm really bad with remembering names- and especially connecting faces with names- especially when I assume nobody knows me or cares about talking to me.  Please say hi!

This is the face I hope you see.

This is my walking-the-streets-of-NYC face

This is my listening face.  (Wow- I look tired here.  I will probably look tired at BlogHer, too.)

This is my confused/lost/I think you're crazy face

This is me enjoying your picture/tweet/post instead of actually getting the nerve to talk to you in person.

Hopefully I'll make it to a workout or at least squeeze a run in at some point.

I'm trying to drink more water, so you should see me doing this quite a bit.

I will not have tiny children demanding a catch.  (woohoo!)
Please join us in posting your face.  Even if you aren't even going to BlogHer- it's fun to see what we really look like.



  1. Your face is one of my favorites. I CANNOT WAIT TO HUG IT.

  2. I like the walking the streets of NYC face. It's very similar to mine.

  3. I'm so excited because I get to walk the streets of NYC with you and learn how to make that face!

  4. I'm lame for forgetting the phone face. And your walking-the-streets-of-NY face looks all movie star-ish and cool!

  5. Thanks for sharing! Hope to see you at BlogHer!!

  6. What a fun post! Wish I was going to Blog Her. Enjoy! Write lots about it!

  7. Hope you have a great time!

  8. I hide behind my phone compulsively, so maybe we will find each other that way? I'll tweet stalk you lol

  9. Hi Kimberly,

    I work on behalf of P&G and I would love to discuss with you further how we can work together. If you’d be interested, please contact me at

