
Monday, June 18, 2012


This past weekend was jam packed with family, food, and fun, and I can't keep myself from dumping iPhone pics all over this blog.

We started the weekend with a visit to my parents' home.  JD was anxious to show off his bike riding skills to his Grandpa Bob.

And I was excited to hit up the local strawberry festival.

The boys had a great time with Grandma, Uncle Anthony, Aunt Amanda, and Uncle Justin.

None of the strawberry shortcake went to waste. 



I left the boys snuggled up in their room at my parents' place and went out for a drink with my BIL, brother, & sis. We got a great table on the deck, there was an awesome, adorable band & we shared a lot of laughs. Can't ask for more!


The next afternoon, my mom and I left for a girls' night in NYC.  We had our list of shows we wanted to see and stood in the tkts line.


We scored tix to Peter and the Starcatcher.  There aren't enough words to describe how brilliant and astonishing Christian Borle's performance was.  The staging, the songs, the ensemble, the writing- it all blew me away.

And although he looked completely drained- he was THE NICEST to the mob at the stage door.  

The next morning we slept in super late (wooooohooooo!) and then headed over the the High Line.

I stuffed this in my face even though I already stuffed myself at breakfast.




We had such a great time, we decided to make it an annual event- at the least.  But I was sooooo ready to get back to my boys and celebrate Father's Day with my dad.

The boys were most excited for the treats we brought home.

However, I don't think they really appreciated how awesome (and expensive) they were.

Happy Father's Day, Dad!  
And finally, my baby, who always referred to himself as "O", started saying his full name.  He's getting too grown up for my liking!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun. And yummy! That strawberry shortcake looks divine.
