
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Now that the boys are in bed and the house is quiet, I'm reflecting on our busy weekend and how incredibly blessed I am to have such amazing family and friends.  This weekend was a prime example of how important these relationships are in my life.  I spent a lot of quality time with my parents, sister and brother-in-law, watched my baby brother graduate from college, met one of my oldest internet friends for the first time in real life, and received Happy Mother's Day messages from the most supportive circle of friends a girl could ask for.

I haven't done a week in phone pics lately, but I want to share some adorableness from my weekend.

It is rare that they agree on an app, but when it happened when I was alone with them on the ferry, I wanted to sing!
It's a blurry pic, but seeing JD hold hands with Suzanne's Evan melted my heart and showed me how awesome & real online friendships are.

Her baby girl was way cuter than I could handle and successfully made my babies look like giants.

Attempted a group photo.  They boys are having FUN.  (And Caroline is sweet and precious.)   (And this is also the moment when I almost lost it because JD was sprinting towards the parking lot AGAIN, and damn that kid is fast.)
UPDATE: I was a bad blogger and left my real camera in the car, but Suzanne more than made up for it by taking the most adorable photos of our kids.  I'm sure you already read her blog because it's awesome, but go there right now if you haven't already.

I took approximately 98709875 photos trying to get one of them sitting or standing next to each other in their "I love my uncle" T-shirts.  

Focusing on how proud I am of my brother instead of how weird it's going to be when he goes to study in London next year or how old I feel now that my baby brother has graduated

"Don't you dare touch my 5 Guys!"
Weekends like this make it easy to focus on all the HAPPY that surrounds me.


  1. It was so amazing to meet you and the boys in real life, thank you so much for driving even farther than you had to for our visit. Congrats to your brother and Happy Mother's Day again!

  2. so jealous you got to meet suzanne & her sweet ginger babies!! love seeing your life with two boys... that will be me soon!! eeeep!! :)
