
Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Fell in Love with Savannah

I was feeling nervous and guilty about leaving my boys to take a trip that was all about me, but after a couple days of catching up on sleep, I knew it was just what I needed.  Sadly, by the time I got used to taking the stairs (when you travel with a double stroller, it's all about finding the elevators) (and damn, Savannah is full of steep stairs), it was time to come home.

right outside my hotel...
SO MUCH candy
Everybody talked about THE BOOK.  I'm so glad I knew about what was going on.  Yes, I toured The House.  I stood in The Room.  In front of The Desk.  
I enjoyed sitting in the squares and reading.
I felt like I was in a painting.
In case you didn't already think I'm a big dork, I stood where Forest Gump sat.
Right before I left for the airport, I sat here to read and listen to this cute boy sing & play guitar.  He was awesome.
My boys had so much fun with my parents, JD was sad for a couple days because he missed them.  I think it will become an annual event.  A few days of spoiling and building their relationship with their grandparents plus a refreshed mama is a win for everybody!


  1. so glad you got to recharge your mama batteries! it is GORGEOUS there!!

  2. Ahhhhhhh what a perfect place for a kid-free getaway. I hope you can make a solo trip an annual event - it's so good for everyone.

  3. OMG Lovely- Stopping by from SITS

    We were supposed to go to Georgia in May, but now we had to rearrange out vacation plans and we can't go :-( I'm so upset. These pictures are breathtaking. The South seems magical.
