
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's my SITS day!

Welcome SITStas!  (If you don't know what I'm talking about, go check out the SITS Girls. Go now!)  

There are no words to explain how excited I am for today.  I have been in love with SITS since I started blogging almost three years ago, and I have found so many wonderful friends through their classes, comment hours, and features.  I was lucky to have a blog critique from Fran, Kat, & Mel last year and am so happy to have you all over to visit again. 

Let me introduce you to my amazing little boys.  JD is 2 1/2, currently loves sports and looking at books, climbs EVERYTHING, and gives the best hugs  And my sweet, little O just turned 17 months.  He is a huge fan of Elmo, his brother, and cars, and he gets away with murder by flashing those dimples.

Returning readers know that my boys and I live on Long Island and love to travel.  (Right now, I am visiting Savannah, Georgia, on my first vacation without my babies.)  JD and O work as models, so we spend a lot of time in NYC.  I try not to spend ALL my free time on Pinterest, and I frequently get in over my head when I attempt any of that stuff.  Here at Try It, Mom!, I write about my struggles & triumphs as a mom, tips, my favorite things & the things that totally annoy me, the good days, bad days, & the "Is there a camera hidden somewhere?" days.

A couple things you may not know:
I will be returning to my job as an English Language Arts teacher this fall after staying home with my boys for three years.  I am a huge nerd about literature, and as I write this, I am sitting in Monterey Square pretending I am John Berendt.  Ideas for my next big adventure, an epic Hemingway tour through Spain, have been collecting on my desk for years, and I can't wait to get there.  

Me, this afternoon, about to stuff my face at The Wilkes House. mmm mmmm mmmmm
Please hang out for a while and get to know us.  There are a lot of changes on the horizon for our family, and I hope you stick around for the ride.  


  1. happy SITS day, Kim! You have a beautiful family, and your blog sure does radiate with warmth.

  2. Happy SITS day! That's great you're a literature teacher!

    1. Thank you. It's only when I'm grading 200 book reports that I wish I was a librarian :P

  3. Happy SITS day! Your boys are so cute! Happy to be reading your blog today and not working ;) shhhh don't tell!

  4. Congrats on your SITS day! I am a former middle school Language Arts teacher myself--turned stay at home mom to my four kiddos. Totally get the love and obsession with literature. I can't help but wonder what little O's name youngest son is an Oscar...could it be? Glad I stopped by and I'm looking forward to hanging out here again :)

    1. No, my O is an Owen. But I think he would rather be an Oscar- he's obsessed with Sesame Street! Thanks for hanging out :)

  5. Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it's a fabulous day for you.

    Your boys are adorable!

  6. Your blog is so cute! I'm sure you get that all the time. ;) Congrats on your SITS Day!

  7. Happy SITS day!! You have a beautiful family :)

    Hope today is an awesome day for you!

  8. A big well done for your SITS glad they highlighted your blog as it's really fun and interesting.
    Will be visiting it more for sure.

    Laura x

  9. Congrats on being the featured blogger. You have adorable boys. I think being the mother of boys is just about the coolest thing ever.

  10. Congrats on your SITS day! You and I have a lot in common. I have 2 boys who are 20 months apart...and the younger one also has killer dimples :)
    I'm a NYC-area blogger too. Looking forward to staying connected in this Blogoverse of ours!

    1. Yay! We should plan a play date in the city this spring :)

  11. Happy SITS Day! You boys are adorable! It's nice to meet another NYC blogger too! I'm in Brooklyn with two boys who are 5 and 2.5. So glad to have found your blog!

    1. Thanks & woohoo! Add another mom to our play date, @Jennifer!

  12. It's so nice to "meet" you! :D I hope you're having a great SITS day!

  13. Congrats on your SITS Day, and the invitation to stick around. Don't mind if I do. I'm off to check out some of your other posts and get to know you.

  14. Happy SITs Day! It's very nice to meet you and your family! I love Pinterest too! You can come and visit me @

    1. Just checked out your boards. So much cute stuff!

  15. Your boys are so cute!
    What a wonderful thing to be able to travel and see so much.

    Happy SITS day!

    1. Thank you. I hope my boys appreciate it some day, too!

  16. Happy Day Sits-sta!! Love pinterest- it is so addicting!

    1. Thank you, and thank you for finding me on twitter :)

  17. So nice to *meet* you, and a fellow local--what could be better? Well, I currently live in Hoboken, NJ but have a lot of friends/family out on Long Island.

    Love Pinterest, too. It's the greatest time suck I've stumbled upon lately.

    Hope you enjoy this day in the spotlight and all the bloggy love you are bound to receive!

    1. Thanks. I'll wave across the river next time I'm in the city :)

  18. You've got some cuties there! I can see why his dimples allow him to get away with things...

    Happy SITS day! (As a former language arts/English teacher myself, I hope your new adventure goes wonderfully!)

  19. Congrats on the job and happy SITS Day!

  20. Congratulations on your SITS Day! Your boy are too cute! Good luck with the new job. As a homeschooling mom I have a great respect for teachers - we all should! ;)

    1. Thank you. Teachers are the scapegoat in too many situations, so it is always nice to hear a compliment :)

  21. Love the mix of what you write about. And the hidden camera stuff? Brilliant.

  22. Happy SITS day! So nice to meet you. Just read your post about camping with babies. We don't have children yet, but have just moved to Colorado and see a lot of tent camping in our future - hopefully with kids someday. This post was full of good pointers. Thanks!

    1. I LOVE Colorado. I hope we get to camp there someday!

  23. Happy SITS day to you! I'll be heading back to work this fall as a LA teacher, too, though it's elementary (job sharing a 5th grade where my partner will teach math and science). I've been home with my two boys for three years, too! We'll have a lot to chat about, I can tell. :-)

    1. Thanks, Jessica! I'm glad we've met now so we can lean on each other :)

  24. Baby models! How do you manage? Sounds like you have a lot going on, I look forward to hanging out and seeing what unfolds!

    1. Welcome, Audrey! It certainly keeps me on my toes, but I love being busy :)

  25. I hope you're enjoying your SITS Day! Your trip to Spain sounds awesome! Have some tapas and sangria for me! : )

  26. This is my first time stopping by your blog. I just learned about SITStas through a fellow blogger today and you are the first featured blogger. Congrats! I can't wait to come back and visit your blog more often.

  27. I live in Oceanside neighbor!
    Congrats on your SITS day!

  28. What adorable boys! Best of luck with your career change and have a great SITS Day!

  29. You have 2 handsome boys! Happy SITS Day!

  30. Happy SITS day!!

    Oh how love to travel like you do! Any chance I get to venture someplace I jump at it. Right now I have a love affair going with Route 66 in the southwest and all the old, faded signs along the way.

    I love to pretend I am some important writer when in reality I am about as obscure as a gnat. Haha. Quite alright though...most of the time.

    Glad to have "met" you via SITS. Your boys are absolutely adorable!

  31. Your blog design is fantastic! Love your header, so much! Hope it was a happy, happy SITS day for you!

  32. As a homeschooling mom to 4, one of my fave things is discussing the fab lit with my older kids (18 & 12). Everyone in my family has a passion for reading. Right now we're discussing the social & political undertones of The Grapes of Wrath, along with a lot of other great works. Happy SITS day!

  33. Happy SITS Day! I'm late in coming over to check out your site, but better late then never!!! :)

  34. YAY! Isn't it fun to have a SITS Day? Thanks for stopping by on mine!
