
Sunday, March 25, 2012


Yesterday I brought the boys to my parents' house.  I've been worrying about leaving them while I'm away, so I was relieved they were excited to be there and not at all concerned with me leaving.  After a busy day being spoiled by grandma & grandpa, it was time for bed.  My mom and I read them "one more book" after "one more book", and then we went downstairs.  

My dad was glued to the video baby monitor.  We were all curious to see how they would fall asleep while sharing a room.  

O started to cry.  

JD sat up and looked at him, got out of bed, and went to hug him through the crib rails.  Then he climbed up and into the crib.  He squeezed O's glow worm, and we watched as JD swayed to the music and O swayed in response.  I love watching them interact when they are "alone", and this was playing out even better than I had ever hoped.

JD climbed out and in a couple times, bringing more toys into the crib and soothing his brother.  When O fell asleep, he covered him with a blanket.  Then he climbed out of the crib, and it looked as if he was going to go back to his bed, but he just got his pillow, climbed back in and fell asleep next to his brother.

It makes all my other "things that make me happy" seem trivial when I realize how incredibly happy I am that they have each other.  I am so blessed to have such lovable and loving little men, and I don't remember ever being prouder of JD.

I was worried the flash would wake them up, but I risked it because I'm going to need this memory the next time JD makes me want to rip my hair out.


  1. This is so sweet it makes me tear up!!! They are so lucky to have each other!!

  2. Tears in my eyes! What a beautiful moment that you got to watch. Such sweet boys.

  3. awe! I have 2 boys 2.5 and 7 months and when i first brought baby home, big brother literally tried to kill him! Not really but he did try to drag him out of his bouncy seat on more than one occasion.

  4. Thanks everyone. I keep replaying it in my head & cry every time :)

  5. That is seriously the cutest thing I have ever heard. Evan and Caroline are great siblings too and every time they do something cute together I get a huge rush of gratitude.

  6. That is so, so precious. Awwwww!

  7. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog, Dream Custom Artwork. I appreciate you helping to make my SITS day so special! I enjoyed my visit here and will be back to read more soon!

  8. Oh my, how precious is that!? Love the bond between siblings - especially when they seem to hate each other the rest of the time!

  9. One of the biggest blessings in raising my children was watching the interaction of the siblings. They were always watching out for one another, even if they were being naughty!

    Your blog is laid out so nicely. It's easy to navigate and I'm having a great time. I'm off to see your Pinterest now.

  10. This post makes my uterus scream "FireGirl needs a sibling!"

    What sweet little boys!

    {{stopping by from SITS}}

  11. That really is the sweetest thing.
    If my 3 yo climbed into her sisters crib I'd fear for her safety ;)
    You're so lucky to have captured that moment!

  12. Oh my goodness...that is the sweetest story I've read in ages. Definitely worth risking the flash!

  13. this must be the cutest thing I've ever seen <3
