
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vacations are Happy

In keeping with the "happy things in 2012" theme, vacations definitely make me happy.  And now that we're back (we've been back for a week, but, you know, it totally takes 7 days to recover from a 5 day vacation with toddlers), I'm so happy to look back at all the fun we had! 

I'm also excited to be getting the hang of our new DSLR. I've taken a class and flipped through the manual, but please pass on any simple tutorials that will turn me into the next Annie Leibovitz.  haha 

Things that make me happy:

iPads make traveling with toddlers 1 billion times easier. "Oh, you're worried about sitting next to my kid on the plane? Don't worry. He'll be better behaved than my husband." = something I really wanted to say to the obnoxious woman who told my 14-month-old to be quiet because they can hear him "all the way up front". Because telling him that would do anything other than make him proud of himself.

 My baby is not afraid of PDAs.
watch out Mickey
I really beat myself up over forgetting the rain cover for the stroller (and it only drizzled for a couple hours of our trip).  But then I realized it didn't bother anybody but me, and it wasn't really a HUGE deal.  Happiness = realizing you don't have to be on top of ALL THE THINGS all the time.  Also- Disney really needs to construct some covered stroller parking.  It rains a lot in Florida.

a little rain didn't keep them from their stroller nap
There is very little to be upset about at Disney World.  Except your brother stealing your goldfish.  And your parent doing nothing but taking pictures. 
Don't worry. He got more.
 Meeting Pooh really IS that exciting.
This is him turning to me after a LONG cuddle.
 And being a nerd makes me happy.
 Happiness to JD is finally being tall enough to ride a "real" roller coaster- one Grandma was scared to go on.  
And happiness is also 5 minute wait times.
I love that my kids are thrill seekers- as long as they don't eventually do something crazy like ride a motorcycle or jump out of a perfectly good plane.  They immediately asked for "next ride" or "more ride" as soon as we finished one. 
"I can squeeze through there. We don't have to wait."
We had never been to Sea World, and I was a little nervous about how it would follow Disney & Universal.  It was definitely lacking enthusiasm from it's employees ("What? You're not cheering for me after riding the Swishy Fishies?"), but the roller coasters were AMAZING and the dolphin show was worth the price of admission alone.
 And again, I'm a nerd.
If you were wondering, the chocolate frog was nothing special as far as chocolate goes, but the card inside was fun.  I was a little disappointed to see that you could pay extra for a "Special Edition Chocolate Frog" that guaranteed you got a Dumbledore card.  (I did not.) If you care that much about a Dumbledore card, wouldn't you also care about the card being a surprise?  I haven't been brave enough to crack open the Every Flavour Beans yet.
What's making you happy today?


  1. LOVE the new camera! I am so jealous that your kids have been to Disney in 3 years more times than I have in my whole life - and don't even get me STARTED on Harry Potter Land. DEAD with envy.

  2. "Oh, you're worried about sitting next to my kid on the plane? Don't worry. He'll be better behaved than my husband." -LOLed to that!

    Nice shots :) I dare you try every flavour beans. (never mind,I'm just envious) How I wish I could bring my children to Disney.

  3. Your kids are gorgeous. Stopping by from SITS!

  4. Happy SITS day! Nice to see a fellow "New Yawka" for a change (I'm up in Westchester!) AND lover of Disney (our family has been 9 times in as many years!). Looking forward to getting to know you more through your blog..... :)

  5. My Mom sent me some Bertie Botts every flavour beans for Christmas last year. I did not get any ear wax or vomit flavored ones, but I certainly didn't like broccoli. (True story. She's also the one who got me hooked on Harry Potter. I am a geek descended from a geek.)

    1. Now that I know there's a chance I may not get a vomit flavored one, I may be brave enough to try them. Thanks :)

  6. Some day I will make it to Harry Potter World. Probably after all my kids are grown, but I will go!

    Looks like you had a great time. And I think the rain jackets your boys have on were probably more than enough for them. Kids like to get wet.

    1. Definitely go! Especially if you like roller coasters. I expected it to be awesome, and it didn't disappoint :)

  7. Reading your post today made me happy. Such cute pictures. I love Disney. My daughter works for Disney Corporation in Burbank. She's in the music department - not at the theme park - but she gets us in for free. Hey - you're never too old for Disney. Right? Happy SITS day today.

    1. Thanks, Barb! I think I'll try to convince my union to negotiate free passes to Disney into our next contract. Sounds like the perfect benefit. A girl can dream...

  8. Happy SITS day!

    We are planning on going to Disney World for our next big vacation. It's a year away, and my boys are already excited.

  9. It looks like you had a great vacation! I think that my favorite is "There is very little to be upset about at Disney World. Except your brother stealing your goldfish. And your parent doing nothing but taking pictures." So so true. It's great to be able to look back on vacations and see how much fun they are. I know for me, it's often hard to do that in the moment when I'm so worried about having everything under control! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I stuggle so much with letting go of control, but when I do we have the most fun.

  10. Fun pictures ... and a great little snapshot of you letting go and enjoying your vacation, in spite of challenges outside of your control. Bravo!!

    Enjoy your SITS day! :)

  11. What fun! I loved the stroll you took me on going through Disney World (and having lived in Florida, I agree that it does rain quite a bit) ... Looks like y'all had a great time (and I'm thinking going to DW with little ones makes things much more fun!)

  12. So cute!
    The rain definitely DID NOT botherthem 1 bit-love that pic!!!

  13. What is making me happy today is that I finally got my wireless printer up and running.

  14. This might be the best vacation summary post I've ever read :) stopped over from SITS. Glad you had such a lovely trip!

  15. What's making me happy in this very moment is looking at your adorable son's expressions (hands and face) after hugging Pooh. Priceless. Blessings to you and your beautiful boys.

    I don't know what didn't go well in 2011, but I'd say that you're rockin' 2012 mighty fine. Happy SITS Day!
    Cheers to you!

  16. Happy Sits day! This is a lovely post and makes me happy just reading it!

  17. I love the goldfish picture. You just have laugh at kids sometimes with all their cute sad faces they make lol. It's cute and sad at the same time and always picture worthy.

  18. Hey - just wanted to stop by and wish you a HAPPY SITS DAY! A little over due but I'm trying to catch up on emails and blogs! I really enjoyed this posting and it is always fun to see kids having a good time. I think the POOH picture is my favorite! Good luck and take care!
