
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My 44th Week in Droid Pics

So I was bummed that I missed posting a Tuesday Tip idea I had for today and logged in tonight with the intention of making up for it by putting together a fun Wordless Wednesday. Then I realized I never even posted my week in pics from last week.  I'm a hot mess. What can I say?

So here's our week!


O and I had a lunch date on the High Line.

And a playground date while JD was in school.

We've been having some awesome weather & a lot of picnics.
I finally surrendered the infant carseat and set up the new big boy seat.  And he's pointing at ELMO on JD's PJ shorts.    But he also says ELMO at anything red.

We were trapped outside waiting for this guy to creep away from the handle.  This picture doesn't do him justice.  He was HUGE.  

Fun with the produce stickers.

I found my baby in the newspaper.

JD can climb the rock wall by himself.

The only way I could get him to nap was to make a pile of pillows on the floor & stay with him.

We hosted a play doh playdate for our Moms Club.

We saw a Sesame Street puppet show at the library.

My best friend & I spent the night in Atlantic City finally celebrating our 30th birthdays.  We are now closer to 31.

It was my very first night away from O, but it sure felt good to sleep in & spend the afternoon at the spa!
I'm linking up with Amy.  Head over there and check out everyone else's weeks!


  1. I love all of these pictures. Except the bug. Cutest week in photos ever.

  2. hi - just stopping by from the SITS blog critique... I'm a bit behind! Anyway like the changes you have made following their feedback. Would love to have them stop by mine but in the mean time am implementing some of their advice on my blog. Also just a quick question - how do the linky tools thing work? I have seen them before but not actively participated cos I'm not sure how! thanks, kathryn
