
Sunday, November 6, 2011

My 43rd Week in Droid Pics

On top of everything this week, JD was on steroids to try to drain some stubborn fluid from his ear.  Steroids + normally super active toddler = one tired mommy.  There are no other words to describe this week, so here it is. 

trick or treat

"Why does he get all the candy?"
Hubby and I went to a benefit for Let All the Children Play, and we danced the night away to an awesome Billy Joel cover band.
I'm choreographing a HS production of Pippin, and the kids are awesome  :)

Everybody loves hoodies.
some crazy table dancing

JD chose this cart over the car cart & then was sad about it.
 I don't have any pics from Friday.

O passed out HARD at the library.
We went to the Big Apple Circus & were thisclose to the ring.

I couldn't stop staring at their little faces.  They were so amazed.

Then we walked over to do a little cheering for the NYC Marathon runners. 
Did you take phone pics this week? Head over to Amy's, grab the code, & link up!


  1. The table dancing is awesome, and I bet the boys had a BLAST at the circus.

  2. haha, totally laughed out loud at the table dancing! silly boy!

  3. I always love picture posts. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday on my SITS day!
