
Monday, October 17, 2011

My 40th Week in Droid Pics

Another week, and another late post.  I decided Saturday morning to take the boys to Sesame Place by myself for the weekend, so there was little time for the internets, and this morning was all about recuperation.  As I look back at the week, I'm kind of shocked at how much I got accomplished- Halloween costumes done, O's 1 Year photos, trips to NYC & PA, and Hubby competed in a triathlon (I know that's not really something I accomplished, but I did get us up and out the door super early).

Also, I scratched the lens on my Droid, so things are a bit blurrier than usual.
Watching the sun rise at the beach.
I lost track of which one was Hubby 2.5 seconds after they hit the water.
This beach is mostly rocks.  Sucks for lying on a towel.  Awesome for toddlers.
I forgot clothes for O, so he rocked his PJs all day.
And then there was the nice lady with her pet rabbit.
Our Moms Club had a storytime/craft playdate.

They both thought this was hilarious.
Sewing EVERY SPARE MOMENT.  I promise this was in the parking lot.  I don't sew & drive.

JD has always been into books, but O is starting to flip through them on his own now too.  This entertained them the entire trip to NYC.

O's go see was near the Apple Store in Chelsea.
Reading to the dog.
The costume is done!
The only way I can get O's carseat straps on is to hand him this Nemo book.   Also, I'll be very sad to see the infant seat go because this thing is convenient!

My baby girl was groomed.

JD insisted on wearing "Daddy's hat" (swim cap) to My Gym. 
This was the day that I trucked through the mud with our awesome photographer to get some gorgeous shots of O.  I have to go through proofs & do some narrowing down, and then I'll have some to share!

Watching Toy Story 3 at the doctor's office.  I swear this has been on repeat there since it came out.

JD called me into his room to show me how all the Little People were partying at the fire house.

O is excited to get to Sesame Place!

We made it in time for the parade.
I was happy to introduce the boys to Fievel while I got ready in the hotel.

Because I was carrying O, I had to sit on the bench on the carousel.  JD rode the horse like a big boy all by himself!
I hope you had a great week!  Did you take phone pics?  Grab the code at Amy's and link up!

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