
Saturday, August 13, 2011

My 31st Week in Droid Pics

I CAN NOT believe it is mid-August, and I can't believe another week has flown by.  This week was super busy, which made it go sooooo fast.  I hope we get some time to slow down real soon!


We went to a birthday party where JD got to dress up like a super hero.

This is how I left O & Hubby...

And 30 seconds later, this is how I found them.

They both really enjoyed this.  

I attempted to take them to the spray park by myself.  If JD wasn't in such a rotten mood, it would have been a blast.

We drove along the water for a car nap.  

A super crowded train into NYC was made much more pleasant once the toddler started watching Elmo on the itouch.

And pretzels made everybody happier at the grocery store!

The highlights were killing my hair, so I covered them up and went brunette.  Not sure how long this will last.

JD rocking it out at Toddler Tango.

mmmmmmm bagels

This was the day I spent the ENTIRE morning sitting at the Nissan service center so I could get an oil change while they tried to scam me out of the service plan I bought with the car.  I should have taken a pic of my angry bitch face, but I was too pissed at the lack of cell service & wireless to look at my phone.  At least my smiling happy boys & awesome babysitter cheered me up when I got home.

I was soooo not cooking, so we went to Panera for dinner with Hubby.  We must have looked crazy both trying to take phone camera pics.

At least we teach our kids to share.

O makes the best faces.

And JD has the best dance moves.

I met up with friends in Queens for a yummy dinner of homemade sliders & fries.

I wish I had a good video of it, but I swear he was trying REALLY hard to hoola hoop.

One tambourine is just not enough.
Did you take phone pics this week?  I'd love to see them!  Visit Amy for the code & link up!


  1. I love that picture of your little one crawling into the toy shopping cart and your husband grabbing his foot! That's parenthood for ya!
    And I can't even count the amount of times that Elmo on my iPhone has come to the rescue.

  2. I like the dark hair! And I would have thrown a FIT at the car dealership - nothing makes me madder than people trying to rip me off. Except for bad drivers. I really ought to live somewhere I don't need a car.

  3. Love the hair! And now I want some pretzels.

  4. holy crap i love you brunette!! but i am totally biased ;)
