
Friday, May 13, 2011


I took a few days off from posting this week.  There wasn't a really good reason, and I'd love to say I spent the extra time cleaning my bedroom or finally editing the rest of our vacation video, but I can't.  I did do a little blog spring cleaning though, so let me catch you up on a few things.
  1. I've been making a big effort to get my house super organized, and along with that is the blog.  I retagged all my old posts so it's easier to find what you are interested in, and I updated some buttons over on the right, so finding what you need is a "snap"  hehe
  2. I'm going to continue doing my regular posts: "Friday Favorite" (where I share one of my favorite things each Friday- duh) and "Week in Droid Pics" (each Saturday I give a a glimpse at our crazy life), but I'm also adding a "Tuesday Tip".  I know my readers are super smart mommas, so please let me know if there is a tip you would like to guest post!  
  3. Yay! The winner of the My Natural Baby Boutique gift certificate is Katrina, but don't feel like a loser if you didn't win! Everybody can take advantage of 15% off with the code "tim15"!  Go. Now.
  4. I am totally addicted to Pinterest. Find me, and if you need an invite, let me know!
  5. Before you go, could you spare me a couple clicks over at Top Baby Blogs?  You can vote once a day, and there is a handy box up on the left.  2 clicks and done!  Pretty please and thank you :)
And finally, is there anything new/different you would like to see here?  I'l love to hear some feedback!

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