
Friday, January 28, 2011

My Response to Yesterday's Post's Comments (Because I am Frustrated That I Can't Respond to Them)

My diaper bag is awesome.  I wrote about my love for it here. And I definitely don't drag it everywhere!  When I went to pack it before this post, the last time I had used it was 2 weeks before when we packed it for Owen's baptism.  I just stock it every few weeks and then forget it at home leave it in the car.  I should have been a boy scout.  I literally can't sleep if I am not 110% ready for the next day.  We have a trip planned for March, and I am on my 3rd edit of my packing list. (When I was a kid, my favorite book was From the Mixed-Up Files of Ms. Basil E. Frankweiler, and I used to make detailed lists of what I would bring if was going to run away to a museum. Deranged.  I know.)   
Today I was gone alllllllll day, and I only pulled out diapers, bibs (both boys are major droolers- I hope they get over it by kindergarten) a couple toys, and snacks. (And I couldn't fit the diaper thing back in once I pulled it out, so that's on the front seat of my car right now.)

For every day use, I have the JL Childress Cups 'N Cargo Stroller Organizer clipped to my stroller.

I stole this pic from Amazon.  It is too late and I am too tired to get the real one out of the car.  That is not my stroller or my 1999 cell phone.
In it, I have diapers, wipes, and hand sanitizer. Of course, when I reached in today to grab the hand sanitizer, it was frozen, and so were the wipes.  I guess I shouldn't leave it in the trunk.

The biggest issue here for me is the comments about me being so prepared.  That was eye opening, because no matter how I stuff my diaper bag, when I am out with other moms, I always feel like I don't have what I should.  I am constantly feeling unprepared.  Why don't I have a sippy cup?  Why don't I have his favorite book? His stuffed cat? Pajamas?  A flask? I have a ton of stuff, but I never seem to have what I really need for the situation.  Someday I'll get it right.

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