
Saturday, January 15, 2011

My 2nd Week in Droid Photos


I spent nap time today packing up the clothes Baby O has outgrown.  It is so weird to fill his drawers with clothes that JD was just wearing yesterday (well, not really yesterday, but it seems like yesterday).

Today JD took his first nap without his paci!  That is his behind up in the air.  Notice that he has thrown his blanket and stuffed animals out of his crib in protest.  Also notice that he was still in PJs at nap time.  It was one of those days.


Baby O had his first job!  Don't tell him, but he was the backup model and ended up filling in for a sleepy baby girl.  I told him real men wear pink.

No pics allowed on set, so this is as close as I could get.
I think he was trying to hide his face.

This is how JD tried to get everyone's attention from his stroller.
That afternoon, O had his appointment at the cardiologist.  His heart checked out a-okay!

Cutest cuff ever.
Brave little man.
Keeping an eye on the tech.
Somebody fell asleep during his test.

Super lazy, hang out in the playroom day.

JD is getting better at the shape sorter!

Snow day!

Watching Daddy shovel.
Big helper!
I stayed warm inside with hot cocoa and homemade marshmallows! 

We brought some snow inside and played in the bathtub!



Today was spent cleaning for Baby O's Christening party.  Our bedroom is always the most neglected room in the house and where we hide a lot of things when people stop by.  Since our bed is going to be the coat check on Sunday, we needed to seriously clean it up!


I rewarded myself with chocolate!

Today was food shopping and prep day!

I spent a lot of time cutting the cheese...
and de-stressing with red wine!

I hope you all had a great week!  Grab the code here at A Good Life, and link up! 


  1. Snow in the bathtub?! What a GREAT idea!

  2. wow, what a busy week! snow in the bathtub is awesome, so glad the cardio appt went well, your little baby is gonna be FAMOUS (even if he's posing as a girl) and those cheese squares are cut perfectly! you are supermom.

  3. Homemade marshmellows? Snow in the bathtub? Awe-some. :)
